Submission Guidelines for Authors Seeking to Work with Me
I’m excited to discover new talent and work with exceptional voices in the literary world. If you’re an author interested in collaborating, here’s how to submit your work for consideration:
Manuscript Requirements:
● Full Manuscript: Please submit your completed manuscript (preferably in .doc or .docx format) if you are ready for representation or collaboration. Incomplete works may not be considered.
● Synopsis: Include a brief synopsis (up to 500 words) that outlines your book’s premise, central themes, and character arcs.
● Cover Letter: In your cover letter, introduce yourself, explain why you believe your manuscript would be a good fit for my services, and highlight any relevant experience or accolades.
Submission Format:
● Manuscripts should be double-spaced, with 1-inch margins and in a standard 12-point font (Times New Roman or similar).
● Please include your name, the title of your manuscript, and your contact details at the top of the first page.
Additional Materials (Optional but Encouraged):
● Author Bio: A brief (200-300 words) bio, including any relevant writing experience, publications, or personal background that informs your storytelling.
● Sample Pages: If you’d like to provide a sample of your manuscript (up to 10 pages),
that’s helpful but not required.
What I Look for:
● A unique voice and a compelling narrative.
● Strong character development and a clear sense of direction for your story.
● A manuscript that reflects both creativity and craftsmanship.
Submission Process:
● All submissions should be emailed to [email protected].
● You can expect an acknowledgment of receipt within 5-7 business days. Please be patient as I review your submission.
● While I make every effort to respond promptly, please allow up to 8 weeks for a detailed review of your work. If I believe your project may be a good fit, I will reach out for further discussion.
● Your work will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. I will not share any submissions without your explicit permission.
Please Note:
I am not currently accepting unsolicited manuscripts from authors who are not referred or introduced via trusted sources or partners. If we are introduced, please feel free to submit your work following the above guidelines. Thank you for your interest, and I look forward to reading your work!